About Us
Hello I’m Alex and welcome to Pampas Fox Fitness!
Pampas Fox Fitness is an online store devoted to a fitness life style.
I started this project because I want to help all foxes and vixens, a.k.a. men and women to embrace that never-ending desire to take on a healthy life style.
Our Mission and Vision:
Sometimes it is difficult to combine your busy working routine with some gym time. We at Pampas Fox have the mission to immerse you in a healthful, athletic style of living, not only by offering a plethora of sport and fitness related items but also by posting related blogs that will help you tackle those daily issues you might face. These might range from, how to find motivation to work out after a long day in the office, to what low-calorie recipe to cook in your kitchen. You will find all that information in here.
We envision Pampas Fox Fitness as the never-ending source of inspiration in your journey to better your inner and outer self.
Explore our site and all it has to offer. Thanks a ton!
These are our details should you have any enquiries:
We can be reached by mail at Stensjö 107, 31169 Ugglarp, Sweden.
Phone: 00-4673-8774086
Email: info@pampasfoxfitness.com .
Facebook page @pampasfoxfitness